Good morning!
The Golden Bear Gazette hopes you have a great Friday and World Kindness Day!
Here is the news to keep you in-the-know. Today's three large stories:
1. Ok.. so what now? Your guide to post-election day.
2. Your latest WCS COVID-19 numbers.
3. The Marines throw a birthday party like no one else.

1. Ok.. so what now? Your guide to post-Election Day.
Now that Election Day has passed, what happens before Inauguration Day where we swear in the president-elect?
First, all states will have to verify their election results before the federal deadline of Dec. 8. Right now, most states have earlier deadlines.
Next, electors that have been selected and voted for in each state's general election will gather and officially vote for the office of president on Dec. 14. Until this vote, nothing is truly official. During most election years, this is usually just a formality.
The largest misconception about all events after Election Day is that some think that the people have already voted for the office of president.
American citizens do not actually vote for the office of the president. Rather they are really voting for state electors by selecting a presidential candidate's name while voting. Each state's political party has pre-selected a list of electors that will later represent the state if that party won the popular vote. These electors will be in the electoral college who later vote for president on Dec. 14.
There could still be some variations in political tradition and formality as the events of 2020 have tended to upend the norms. Even though these electors were selected by political parties and then the people, there could still be some room for change as listed in the Constitution.
The National Archive notes, "There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—electors bound by State law and those bound by pledges to political parties."
The National Archive does record, "No elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged. However, several electors were disqualified and replaced, and others fined, in 2016 for failing to vote as pledged. [. . .] It is rare for electors to disregard the popular vote by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their party's candidate."
So long as electors to not defect from their sworn pledges, this year will just be a formality to elect Joeseph Biden, per Election Day results, as the next President of the United States.
POST-PUBLICATION ADDITION: Mr. Seal also points out, "Tennessee law binds the electors of the state to the vote of the candidate from the winning party. It also stipulates how the electors should behave if a Presidential candidate or VP candidate dies before the vote."

2. Your latest COVID-19 numbers
The following information shows the increase in Wilson County School COVID-19 cases and exposure quarantines.
Wilson County Schools updated their data late Monday to include the week of Oct. 24 through Oct. 30.
Date New Student Cases New Students Quarantined
10/3-9 4 42
10/10-16 31 46
10/17-23 31 181
10/24-30 29 225
10/31-11/6 39 206
Date New Staff Cases New Staff Quarantined
10/3-9 4 2
10/10-16 11 6
10/17-23 11 15
10/24-30 9 21
10/31-11/6 11 11
Currently, WCS only counts four positive student cases and one positive staff cases at MJHS for the week of Oct. 31 - Nov. 6.
Green Hill High School and Mt. Juliet Elementary both have six new positive student cases for Oct. 31 - Nov. 6, the largest positive case count in any Wilson County school.

3. MJHS Marine cadets know how to throw a party.
"Marines know how to work hard, but they also know how to party hard!" SGM Clark told his students Nov. 12, at the first half of the Marines' Birthday Ball celebrating the formation of the United States Marine Corps.
The event featured a ceremony that recognized all active and veteran Marines
as well as honoring fallen Marines who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

SGM Clark cut the cake for the ceremonies, presenting a slice each to the guest of honor, the eldest cadet present and the youngest cadet present.
The celebration continues with B-Day students this afternoon during ninth block in the ROTC.

In Other News...
The Bear Bowling team beat Gallatin on Nov. 9 with a score of 15 - 12.
Colton Regen signed with Vanderbilt's baseball team on Nov. 10.
Progress Reports came out Nov. 12. We at The Golden Bear Gazette wish you the best of luck and that you may have the best grades.
Bear Bowling beat Portland 20.5 - 5.5 on Nov 19.
Senior ads are due today, Friday, Nov. 13. Any senior ads between Nov. 14 - Dec. 1 will incur a $40 late fee.
MJHS Varsity Football is traveling to Oakland for their second playoff game tonight at 7 p.m.
Ninth block Thanksgiving door decorating is underway in preparation for the StuCo judging on Nov. 20. Doors have to represent what that class is thankful for in an appealing, creative way.
FFA's canned food drive will run now through Nov. 19.
Need a break from politics? Check this out.
Billie Eilish raids the mall for food in her recently dropped music video "Therefore I Am" and probably doesn't care what others have to say. The music video is now trending #1 this morning on YouTube.
TE21 testing has begun for underclassmen and will run through next week.
Yearbook prices increase in one week! Order yours here!
Quote of the Day:
"You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are." - Augustus Waters in The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.
That's all for the briefing! Don't miss today's WBNN news coverage!
Be sure to submit any news suggestions in our news suggestion box located in the commons!
Have a Beary great weekend!
— The Golden Bear Gazette Staff