Good afternoon!
The Golden Bear Gazette hopes you are having a spectacular Friday and have had a wonderful week so far!
Here are this week's two biggest stories to keep you in-the-know:
The Diary of Anne Frank presented by Golden Bear Theater is a must-see event!
The Diary of Anne Frank based on the book Diary of a Young Girl is a beautifully tragic story told from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl as her family goes through two years of hiding during the Holocaust.
The story is about five men and five women who sacrifice and leave behind everything in order to stay alive. The gentle humor, love, joy and tragedy in the show blend together to create a wonderful and heartbreaking play that everyone should be aware of.

Over the past two months, co-directors Mr. Vantrease and Ms. Tobin have worked hard to make this show a reality at MJHS. This Mr. Vantrease's first production at MJHS and a big one at that. The cast and crew of this show have been working tirelessly to pay this show the respect is deserves and make the audience aware of the events of WW II and the Holocaust that the play is centered around.
"The biggest thing about honoring the past by making sure the actors understand and research their characters and play them accurately and historically and knowing exactly who those people are," said co-director Mr. Vantrease.
Along with the directors, the actors have been studying and learning how to act time-period appropriate and display the significance of the situation the characters are in. Since it is such a widely known and respected play, the cast has had to do research on the characters they are portraying in order to correctly reflect the important events surrounding them while also developing relationships with other characters.
"Balancing the two emotions is not as difficult as you would think. It's not balancing emotions in a way that everyone does naturally, something horrible might be happening, so your brain works to find even the smallest happiness. That is Anne's life every day amplified to the point of not just 'something bad,' but fear for her life and the lives of people she loves," commented Hannah Diehl who plays Anne Frank.
"It's very interesting the contrast between the historical plights the Van Daans and Franks face contrasted against Anne and Peter's relationship because it's that light in the darkness. It offers a reprieve from the dark, gloom and general unhappiness of that time and seeing a glimmer of hope," said Robert Sloan who is playing Peter Van Daan.
It is a huge undertaking to completely rebuild an already big theater program. After not having a theater director for a year Mr. Vantrease is a breath of fresh air. Students, teachers and volunteers have been busy emptying closets, reorganizing the backstage area and cleaning in order to make the department as organized as possible. As well as attempting to fix sound problems and lighting issues.
"It is such a great opportunity to rebuild the department and it's an easy task when you're working with such lovely and intelligent students," said co-director Ms. Tobin.
"I'm excited about what's been taking place over the last 3 months it's been a complete revamp but I honestly think that everyone has been open and embraced me and I feel like we have been doing what I said we would do this semester which is going back to the basics. Everyone is learning the basic fundamentals and that's the goal for the year," explained co-director Mr. Vantrease
Tickets for "The Diary of Anne Frank" are $10 on and performances are Nov. 4, Nov. 6 and Nov. 11 and 7 p.m, and Nov. 13 and 2 p.m.
Here is the performance playbill.
Is it a "bones" or "no-bones" day?
The TikTok sensation of "bones or no bones" has become a world-wide horoscope on how their day is going to go based on if a 13-year-old pug is going to rise from his bed or not. If Noodle the pug does not rise from bed, it is labeled a "no bones day." However is the pug decides to rise out of his bed it is labeled a "bones day."

On a no bones day viewers are told by the dog's owner Jonathon Graziano to take a day for themselves, go order the Chinese food you have been craving, binge a show on Netflix or just relax in general.
"No bones day? I don't think they're bad days. I think they are days where you just need to be kind to yourself, sensitive of others, wear your sweatpants, take a bubble bath, self-care. That kind of thing. That's certainly how Noodle handles his no-bones days," Mr. Graziano told The New York Times.
In contrast to no-bones days, bones days are a cause for celebration! This means Noodle decided to ride from his bed and that signifies that it will be a great day.
"You've got to celebrate today," Graziano told viewers in a narrated TikTok video. The Japanese fried chicken you were going to order for lunch? Get the curry to dip it in. All those festive gourds? Buy them. That raise you deserve but haven't asked for it yet? You totally deserve it. Ask for it."
Millions of people watch Noodle's daily horoscope readings and Graziano's videos receive millions of likes every day.
What will today be like? Watch Noodle the pug on TikTok to find out!
In other news...
Golden Bears football team travels to Columbia to beat the Lions tonight.
The students will have a send-off today at the beginning of fifth block.
The winter formal is Dec. 4, 2021 at 7 p.m. The attire is formal and semi-formal, so both long winter dresses and cocktail dresses are acceptable.
Not sure how to ask someone to the dance? Drop the hint with a note and a rose. The Winter Formal Dance Committee is selling single white roses in the commons before school and during lunch Nov. 8-10 for $5.
Yearbook senior ad sales end on Nov. 12. Visit and click "Shop Now" to purchase senior ads.
The New York Times Book Review celebrates its 125th year this year. As a part of this celebration, they posted pictures of diverse New Yorkers throughout history finding solitude and refuge in books, despite being in the busy city.
Wilson County Schools announced on Nov. 3 that masks are now optional for all students and teachers. As of Nov. 4, Wilson County's total daily average was 19 positive cases with roughly 13 per 100,000. The total number of positive student cases Oct. 23-29 (last week leading up to Halloween) for all Wilson County School students was 27.
Quote of the week:
"Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up."
-Brene Brown
Have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!
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