The MJHS Marine Corps JROTC Program has been up to great things lately! Be sure to follow them on social media to see their hard work, volunteer service work, and more. In the meantime, here are a few recent highlights:
Instagram: MJMCJROTC
Website: SgtMaj Clark MJHS MCJROTC
Pictures are on the Website (Link above)
The MCJROTC raised $22,992 in their annual fundraiser using Raise365. 5th Block raised the most with $12,222.
The program also participated in the Wounded Warrior 5K on Sept. 9 at the Nissan Stadium.
The 9/11 hike went exceptionally well. JROTC hiked over 5 miles.
The program also volunteered at the Special Olympics located at Franklin Road Academy on Sept. 16 to help make the day a success.
JROTC cleaned up Long Hunters State Park on Sept. 29. According to the rangers, what they did in 3 hours would have taken them more than a month.
The Rifle team won their match against Gallatin and Green Hill, but it was extremely close. James Courtney took first place, and Frankie Correa took third.
The Drill Team did well during the homecoming parade.
The American Legion performed at the Center led by Brianna Alderson.
The Unarmed and Armed Drill teams have been assigned and are led by Cadet Second Lieutenant Brianna Alderson and Cadet Staff Sergeant Aaron Adams.
The first Unarmed Drill Meet is on Dec. 2, as well as the First Armed Drill Meet.
We hosted a 30-round Biathlon competition vs Tullahoma, Gallatin, and Greenhill JROTC units. Cadets had to run 1.5 miles, completing 3 stages of fire in between within a 1-hour time limit. Mt. Juliet scored the trophy for the top team, and James Courtney scored the medal for the top shooter. The team consisted of James Courtney, Frankie Correa, Kevin White, and Savannah Solomon. It was a tight victory against great, longtime rival teams, and our last home match of the season.
The Marine Corps 248th birthday ball is in the cafeteria on November 11th at 6 p.m.
Our seniors recently visited Mt. Juliet Police Department Headquarters.
Our Top 4 went to Lebanon High School's Birthday Ball